The Graphic Guide Newsletter
Guidelines is a free weekly newsletter about graphic design, creativity, and the beauty in the world around us. Learn how the design process works and how to get the most from it, plus get creative inspiration, answers to your design questions, and much more. You can read the full archive here, or on Substack. Subscribe below to start your weeks off right by getting Guidelines right in your inbox every Monday!
Issue 9: Gay as in Happy (The Pride Finale Eleganza Extravaganza ✨)
On joy, celebration and where we go next.
Issue 5: Inner Child
On getting back to basics, coloring outside the lines, and never taking ourselves too seriously.
Issue 4: Calm TF Down
On taking a deep breath, taking a step back, and taking in the world around us.
Issue 3: Folklore (Aura's Version)
On the stories we tell, how we tell them, and what they say about us.
Issue 1: New Beginnings
On fresh outlooks, new adventures, and finally posting on Instagram.